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How we work

How we work

2030 WRG conducts robust and sound Analysis and Consultative dialogue that has a Transformative impact in water and other sectors. Our ACT model is flexible, allowing us to tailor our engagements to meet the needs of each country.



Analyze: Key Outputs
  • Foundational Hydro-Economic Analysis
  • Targeted sector analysis
  • Macro water challenges analysis


Convene: Key Outcomes
  • Demonstration projects
  • Large-scale programs
  • Policy reform
  • Financing mechanisms


Transform: Key Impacts
  • $ of financing facilitated
  • m3 of freshwater abstraction avoided
  • m3 of untreated wastewater discharge avoided
  • m3 of cost-effective water storage
Analyze: Key Outputs
  • Foundational Hydro-Economic Analysis
  • Targeted sector analysis
  • Macro water challenges analysis
Convene: Key Outcomes
  • Demonstration projects
  • Large-scale programs
  • Policy reform
  • Financing mechanisms
Transform: Key Impacts
  • $ of financing facilitated
  • m3 of freshwater abstraction avoided
  • m3 of untreated wastewater discharge avoided
  • m3 of cost-effective water storage

Key Principles

Our work touches the lives of many people and can have huge impacts for communities, businesses, and countries. Four key principles guide us as we live out our ambitious mission to help countries achieve water security by 2030.

Principle #1


We believe that everyone whose lives will be affected by projects that we facilitate should have their voice heard. We strive to create truly inclusive multi-stakeholder platforms by bringing all legitimate stakeholders to the table. By providing a neutral and open platform, we ensure that everyone’s interests – including women, minorities, and other vulnerable populations – are represented during the decision-making process. Only then can the solutions that emerge be fair, lasting, and impactful.

Principle #2


Credible information is necessary to promote a broad understanding of the issues at hand. Equipped with reliable data, key decision-makers in the public and private sectors and civil society can then exercise educated judgement. Furthermore, transparency engenders trust – a key ingredient in every partnership. We make all our information freely available to our partners and their stakeholders on our channels and encourage our partners to do so, too.

Principle #3


Solving complex problems like global water security demands leadership from every relevant stakeholder, and leaders at every level need to be accountable for their actions and decisions. 2030 WRG’s Code of Conduct governs our team, multi-stakeholder platform chairs, and corporate and non-corporate members. We are dedicated to delivering on our commitments, and we encourage and support our partners to do the same.

Principle #4


We understand that our work together with our partners can have lasting impact on the environment and the lives of people. We believe that our work matters, and we hold ourselves to the highest-level standards of integrity, ethical behavior, and good business practices.

Similarly, we expect our counterparts to meet these standards to do the same. Our due diligence process helps us identify, evaluate, and document integrity risks. Suspected fraud or corruption can be reported directly at +1 (800) 831-0463 or via e-mail at investigations_hotline@worldbank.org.