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Published: 02.23.2015

PepsiCo recognized for CEO leadership and achievement in corporate societal engagement

New York, February 23, 2015 – PepsiCo and PwC US are the recipients of the 15th annual CECP Excellence Awards. The Chairman’s Award, the award category for companies with revenues of $20B and more, was presented to PepsiCo for its Safe Water Access program. This initiative prioritizes clean water as a key building block for ending world poverty. 2030 WRG is proud to partner with PepsiCo and the PepsiCo Foundation as one of the six strategic water partners to offer sustainable, game-changing solutions.

“Global companies are judged not only by the shareholder value they create, but also by the positive contributions they make to society. Great companies think in terms of quarters and generations to create value for all stakeholders,” said Indra K. Nooyi, Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo. “Water is both a precious resource and a human right. All around the world, we have significantly reduced PepsiCo’s water usage and operating costs through conservation, while also greatly expanding access to clean water in our communities. PepsiCo’s commitment to water stewardship is a great example of aligning the needs of business with the needs of society, and it’s emblematic of the way we do business around the world.”

Doubled the goal

In 2010, PepsiCo announced its commitment to provide access to safe water for 3 million people by 2015, focusing specifically on water conservation, distribution, purification, and sanitation in countries across the world. PepsiCo has exceeded in its original commitment and doubled the goal to six million people by 2015.

Invaluable support and commitment

“I would like to congratulate Pepsico on the CECP Chairman’s Excellence Award. We are excited to have joined hands with PepsiCo to deliver access to safe water through our partnership program,” said 2030 WRG Executive Director Anders Berntell. “The PepsiCo Foundation has supported 2030 WRG since our inception at the World Economic Forum in 2011. The support and commitment from the PepsiCo Foundation has been invaluable to the progress and success of 2030 WRG initiatives in Peru, Mexico, Jordan, Tanzania, South Africa, India, the Indian states of Maharashtra and Karnataka, and Mongolia. Local PepsiCo representatives contribute to the development of national and regional programs and projects that are important for the improved management and better use of water resources.”

About CECP

CECP, the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy, is a coalition of over 150 CEOs across all industries, who believe that societal improvement is an essential measure of business performance. Presented annually since 2000, their award program is juried by an external Selection Committee comprised of representatives from the corporate, nonprofit, consulting, media, and academic communities. The award winning companies were chosen by an independent jury as global leaders in corporate societal investment, exemplifying the Award’s four rigorous Standards of Excellence: CEO leadership, partnership, dedication to measurement, and innovation.

More information

See the press release about the award on the CECP website

See the Delivering Access to Safe Water through Partnerships report

For Tweets please tag: @2030WRG @PepsiCo @CECPTweets #CECPwinningpurpose

About 2030 WRG

The 2030 WRG emerged in 2009 through an informal collaboration between the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Economic Forum (WEF), multilateral and bilateral agencies (Swiss Development Corporation), private sector companies (Nestlé, PepsiCo, The Coca-Cola Company), and other organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).